TCL 65C805 & Toshiba 4K Ultra HD 65UV2363DB
- Lot:
- A1-27052-50014
- Online, NL
- Current bid
- Status
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About this lot
Return goods: not checked not tested. Operation and completeness unknown. To be used for parts. Assessing the condition of screens and testing TVs can be done on the viewing day. It may even happen that there is a different TV in the outer box than what is advertised, keep that in mind.
- Lot number:
- A1-27052-50014
- Location:
- Online, NL
- Sold by:
- Company seller
Lot specifications
- Quantity
- 2
- Margin
- No
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Dit kavel wordt enkel bezorgd in België of Nederland (de Wadden Eilanden zijn uitgesloten).