Our story

We are more than a logo or a website. We are 210 people. And we're ready to help you benefit from value

We believe that everything has value. But you have to be able to find, recognize and benefit from it. Whether you want to buy or sell industrial assets. That is exactly what Troostwijk Auctions does. We bring buyers and sellers from around the world together online. We value, advise and are Europe's biggest B2B auction house.

Why Troostwijk Auctions

Buyers find the biggest offer of industrial assets. Bidding is easy and buying is safe. Sector experts help sellers to get the best revenue. You'll reach the right buyers all over the world and have you money quickly in your account.

Trusted since 1930

In 1930 Salomon Izaak Troostwijk first registered his company. Now, decades of experience later, we fully master the craft of auctioning. With industry experts throughout Europe, 180 employees and buyers all over the world. We auctioned with and for impressive companies like Fokker, Imtech and Heerema. Mostly for companies that want to improve their asset management. Because everything has value.

Valuation and Advice

Finding and recognizing value has everything to do with valuations and advice. What kind of assets are there, who’s the actual owner and what is its value? And how can you use them for a healthier company, to reinvest, to be more flexible? That’s where our team of valuers/appraisers and advisors come in. Learn more on TWA

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