Direct sales

How it works.

Here is an overview of how a direct sale usually works:

Pricing: The seller consults with Troostwijk Auctions to determine a suitable sale price. This is usually based on market research, comparable sales and current market conditions.

Viewings: Potential buyers can view the offer to get a better idea of the location, condition and other relevant details.

Negotiations: Interested buyers can then bid on the offer through email. Troostwijk Auctions guides the negotiations between the seller and the potential buyers to reach an agreement on the sales price and other conditions.

Sales agreement: Once the seller and the buyer agree on the price and other conditions, a sales agreement is drawn up setting out all the details of the transaction. This agreement is then signed by both the seller and the buyer.

Finalisation: After signing the sales agreement, the necessary legal and financial steps are taken to finalise the sale.

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