Maha Brake Test Bench for Trucks
- Auction:
- Rolling stock, earthmoving machinery, metalworking machinery, car parts and garage inventory
- Lot:
- A1-25498-71
- Bree, BE
Collection on fixed days
- Current bid
- Status
Activate Auto-bid
About this lot
- Roll width: approximately 115cm.
- lnconstruction size: 2x approximately 142x116xH72cm.
- Case size: approximately 75x65xH144cm.
- Auction:
- Rolling stock, earthmoving machinery, metalworking machinery, car parts and garage inventory
- Lot number:
- A1-25498-71
- Location:
- Bree, BE
Lot specifications
- Quantity
- 1
- Margin
- No
- Brand
- Maha
Attention please!
For lot 9 there are no loading facilities on site, the buyer must provide these himself.
All lots are offered without wire containers, yokes and bins.