HIS - Hikra Sol EN50618 - roll of 500 meter red solar cable

Boxmeer, NL

Collection on fixed days

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About this lot

500 meters of red solar cable 4 mm Condition: Unused
If you, as a private buyer, intend to install the solar panels on/near a home, you may be eligible for the 0% VAT rate. This scheme only applies if you live in the Netherlands. CAUTION! The bid amount is exclusive of VAT, but the VAT is included in the calculation of the total amount to be paid. After payment of the full purchase price, including VAT, you can fill in this statement and sign it and send it to aanmelden@troostwijkauctions.com by e-mail. After receiving the fully completed statement, a VAT-free invoice will be created for you and you will receive the VAT amount paid back within a few days.
Lot number:
Boxmeer, NL
Sold by:
Company seller

Lot specifications

Attention please!
There is no right of withdrawal. The minimum age for visiting the viewing and collection days is 18 years. Visitors must be able to identify themselves. A forklift is available during the collection day. The maximum lifting capacity is 1.6 tonnes. Use of the forklift truck is entirely at your own risk. In addition, waiting times may occur.

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