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About this lot

Hans van Horck (Tegelen, 1952) is a Dutch sculptor, lithographer and painter working in Amersfoort. When Hans van Horck works for a large printing company as a teenager, his interest in printed art arises. He turns out to have a talent for designing posters. To further develop his creativity, Hans moved to Switzerland at the age of eighteen. At that time, graphic and applied design was more developed there than in the Netherlands, which gave Hans van Horck the inspiration for his further development as a contemporary artist. Hans van Horck began his artistic career as a watercolourist and painted portraits and female nudes. Watercolor painting is exchanged for working with (acrylic) paint. This is used to process large quantities on the canvas, sometimes very pasty, sometimes liquid with a reference to his earlier watercolours. The canvases always lie flat when the artist is working on them. An additional advantage is that he can walk around the canvas and constantly assess the composition from all sides.
Unique work !
Lot number:
Breda, NL
Sold by:
Company seller

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