Book Robin van Galen
- Lot:
- A1-24222-20
- Amsterdam, NL
- Current bid
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About this lot
What drives top athletes such as Dafne Schippers, Joost Luiten, Pierre van Hooijdonk and Femke Heemskerk? in 'Motives of a top athlete' twenty well-known athletes are interviewed and that is done in a completely different way than usual. The elite athletes and former elite athletes are confronted with the results of a motivation analysis, which they have completed in advance. The 'colour profiles' that result from this provide a fascinating insight into the motivations of the interviewees. The conclusions are often recognizable, but also provide surprising and unexpected eye-openers, also for the athletes themselves.
This is your chance to get your hands on this beautiful book – a must-have for every sports fan and water polo fan!
- Lot number:
- A1-24222-20
- Location:
- Amsterdam, NL
Lot specifications
- Quantity
- 1
- Margin
- Yes
- Title
- Boek Robin van Galen
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