2021 EMCO Hyperturn 100 PM 2400 CNC Lathe

Amstetten-Neufurth, AT

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Hyperturn 100 - PM 2400 Multitasking CNC turning center with automatic tool change Y-axis and B-axis for the complete machining of turned milled parts High-torque main and counter spindle with tandem drive in master/slave principle (water-cooled), milling spindle with integrated spindle motor, Bed length: 2400mm ; Drive power of main and sub-spindle: 53KW ; Speed range of main and sub-spindle: 10-2500rpm ; Spindle connection of main and sub-spindle: A2-11 (ASA11) DIN 55026 ; Maximum bar capacity of main and counter spindle: 110x1000mm; Milling spindle with B-axis: Drive power 33.8KW ; Speed range 10-12000 rpm ; Spindle connection: HSK-T63 ; B-axis travel: 240 degrees ; Y-axis travel: x/- 210mm ; Production operation: 939h ; Milling spindle was renewed on 17.5.2022 ; Automatic tool carousel changer with 100 tool positions ; Accessories: Coolant preparation brand BMG, type BFA980-KK/30+20/20/8+/8+/DOFI, year of construction 2021 ; Chip conveyor brand/type: Emco 27268V, serial number 36014, year of construction 2021, weight 1050kg, including chip tray Bauer 600l tiltable ; Oil Cooler Deltatherm RVK 4.3 K Operator terminal ; Transport trolley mobile with tool holders and various tools approx. 28pcs; Extensive machine accessories such as spare clamping jaws, various turning and milling tools, tool holders, indexable inserts ; Control mandrel for spindle concentricity ; Dimensions of the machine: approx. 9000x3000x3500mm ; Dimensions of coolant preparation: approx. 1900x2000x1800mm ; Machine must be disconnected from the power supply and dismantled by qualified personnel;
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39,414 kg
This is the amount of carbon emissions you could save by purchasing this item pre-owned instead of new.For comparison, an Amsterdam - Berlin flight corresponds to 78 kg CO₂e per passenger.

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