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Bakery machines

75 lots

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Used bakery equipment & machinery

Are you looking for second hand bakery equipment & machinery? Let’s take a look at our selection of bakery equipment & machinery for your next job.

Here at Troostwijk Auctions we are your contact for used bakery equipment & machinery. We make sure these second hand equipment are all of top quality.

Second hand bakery equipment

If you think about bakery equipment, the first thing that comes to mind is the oven. But a lot of people forget the rest.

Further bakery machinery listed include kneaders, bread slicers, doughnut fryers, bread moulders, provers and mixers. Alongside ovens, there are online listings for industrial baking accessories such as tray transport trolleys, cooling boxes, display boxes and crates

You’ll find a wide variety of used bakery equipment for your next job here at the Troostwijk food machinery auctions.

Bakery equipment for sale

At the Auction you buy second hand bakery equipment. That doesn’t mean you buy discarded equipment. We put all the tools and machinery through a thorough selection to make sure the used machinery are all good for the job.

With leading brands like Artofex, Hein-Jaeger and Sinmag we can supply you with the right machinery for the right job.

What kind of bakery equipment do you sell at the auction?

We sell all kinds of bakery equipment, but for the ease of use, we made some categories.

  • Bread Lines

  • Bread Slicers

  • Dough Kneaders

  • Pastry machinery

  • Moulding machinery

  • Bakery ovens

  • Proving Cabinets

  • Further Bakery Equipment

How does it work?

Our auction gives you the opportunity to buy used bakery equipment at the lowest industry price. Next to that, it’s really easy to place your bid, but most of all, it’s really secure.

Make an account click here, find the right piece of equipment and place your bid. Do you want to see the material first, no problem. You can check out the sites any time to see the materials.

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