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Price (€)

Concrete industry

132 lots

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Concrete tools for sale

Standing on the eve of a grand renovation? Then sure, some cement will come in handy, don’t you think? Concrete tools and cement mixers are not entirely inconvenient when you start a new project.

Cement mixers and other concrete machines are needed for the big projects to continue. Let’s face it, without a decent cement mixer, there is nonproject at all.

Used concrete machines

Concrete industry equipment covers the processes of manufacturing concrete and concrete products, pumping and laying concrete and transporting it to sites.

The machinery, vehicles and structures used in this sector can be acquired second-hand in the construction and earthmoving section of Troostwijk Auctions' website.

Troostwijk Auctions hosts listings for entire concrete plants, including silos, bunkers and cranes, as well as production lines for manufacturing concrete beams, pillars, walls and roofs

From concrete silos to concrete saws and from power trowels to concrete vibrators, we at Troostwijk have them all at your proposal.

The road to success is always under construction.

What kind of concrete machines do you sell at the auction?

We sell all kinds of concrete machines, but for ease of use, we made some categories.

  • Concrete Silos

  • Formworks

  • Power Trowels

  • Concrete Mixers

  • Concrete Pumps

  • Concrete Saws

  • Concrete Bucket

  • Further Concrete Equipment

  • Concrete vibrators

How does it work?

Our auction gives you the opportunity to buy used concrete machines at the lowest industry price. Next to that, it’s really easy to place your bid, but most of all, it’s really secure.

Make an account (click here), find the right piece of equipment and place your bid. Do you want to see the material first, no problem. You can check out the sites any time to see the materials.

We at Troostwijk Auctions are proud to be your place to be for your next concrete tool.

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