Today 14 Jan 25
- 92K&D | Vehicles and jewelleryMultiple locations (3), AT
- 241Contents and restaurant inventory Hotel van Oranje NoordwijkNoordwijk, NL
- 167Reach trucks, forklifts, tools, generators and cleaning machinesWijchen, NL
- 120Zelco machine building out of bankruptcyLienden, NL
- 2K&D | Dumper and tower craneMultiple locations (2), AT
- 80Olive trees, shredders, recycling machines, dumpers, hydr genset, forklifts, aerial platforms and road platesMaasdijk, NL
- 9StaalconstructiesVortum-Mullem, NL
- 177Restaurant Good Mood Tilburg out of bankruptcyDeurne, NL
- 74D | Linde Elektrostapler, Gasstapler, Dieselstapler, Hochhubwagen und ZubehörObertraubling, DE
- 141ICT out of Gaastra's bankruptcyDeurne, NL
- 72Luxury & sports cars in BoxmeerBoxmeer, NL
- 527Housing units, storage shelters, generators, garden machines and toolsDrachten, NL
- 51Passenger and commercial vehicles in BoxmeerBoxmeer, NL
- 56Young- & oldtimers in BoxmeerBoxmeer, NL
- 42Sanitary and bathroom furnitureHedel, NL
- 153Cars & transportMultiple locations (72)