Two-storey house with 1,000 m2 of land
- Lot:
- A1-21833-1
- Lalkovo, Elhovo, BG
Colectare pe bază de programare
- Oferta curentă
- Stare
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Despre acest lot
• Located in Lalkovo (Yambol), SOUTHERN Bulgaria, just over an hour from the Black Sea, about 40 minutes to Turkey and only 20 minutes to the center of Elhovo.
• The house is old and has been vacant for a long time, extensive repairs are needed if you want to bring the property up to modern standards. A paved road provides easy access to the property, which is adjacent to council land in what is a small, quaint and discreet village. There are six properties in the village owned by British and Western European holidaymakers/investors.
• The property, as it stands, offers a viable investment opportunity ahead of the introduction of the euro in Bulgaria next year, when property prices are expected to continue to rise.
• Surrounded by untouched nature, a river flows through the village that flows into the Tundzha River, which separates Turkey and Bulgaria. The southern part of the country is perhaps best known for its pleasant weather and easy access to the coast, while still remaining incredibly affordable.
• For the full text, open the file under documents!
- Numărul lotului:
- A1-21833-1
- Locație:
- Lalkovo, Elhovo, BG
Specificațiile lotului
- Cantitate
- 1
- Marjă
- Da
- Ora?
- 9184 Lalkovo, Elhovo
- Adresa
- Ulitsa Lyuben Karavelov 1
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