2021 Mobile Tower Crane TEREX CSE32

Lotenhulle, BE

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Despre acest lot

Used once for our own construction project, since then short-lived rental projects. // All technical info can be found via photos. // Radio Remote Control included! // Motor 20kva // Self-erecting tower crane, ideal for medium-sized construction projects. Equipped with a maximum lifting capacity of 4 tonnes and an outreach of 32 metres. The crane features an advanced hydraulic system for quick and efficient installation, with minimal transport requirements. Stable design, precision control and suitable for various working conditions. Compact and easy to move.
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Specificațiile lotului

Atenție, vă rog!
Nu sunt posibile ore de vizitare Loturile 3346 - 5031 - 5032 - 10061 au fost scoase offline.
43.555 kg
Atât de mult poți economisi la emisiile de dioxid de carbon dacă alegi să cumperi acest produs folosit, în loc de unul nou.Pentru comparație, un zbor Amsterdam - Berlin generează 78 kg CO₂e per pasager.


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