Former inn near Leipzig
- Lot:
- A1-23873-1
- Frohburg OT Jahnshain, DE
Colectare pe bază de programare
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Despre acest lot
• Located in Jahnshain, this historic building which used to be used as a guesthouse for guests to eat, party and sleep.
• The city of Leipzig is only 60 kilometres away and is easily accessible via the B95 and A72, allowing you to be in the bustling city centre in about 45 minutes. Dresden, another important city, is 100 kilometres away and can be easily reached via the A4 motorway.
• Jahnshain offers an attractive environment for investors. Its proximity to Leipzig, a city known for its rapid population growth and thriving economy. Leipzig has seen a sharp increase in population in recent years, partly due to the growth of technology and service sectors. Including the Porsche factory, which employs 4,600 people. In addition, its proximity to cultural and historical attractions in both Leipzig and Dresden offers a constant flow of tourists.
• The building consists of a plot of 680 and 157 m². With a total area of 837 m². Upon entering, you will find a spacious dining room on the right and the former kitchen with several adjoining rooms. On the left is an attractive café with several rooms. There is also a courtyard, and there is also a plot behind the building.
• The upper floor houses several spaces, including bathroom and bedrooms, making this building ideal for redevelopment as a bed and breakfast, hotel or apartment complex. The historic charm of the property offers numerous opportunities for renovation and modernization, while maintaining its authentic character. Object is in need of renovation.
- Numărul lotului:
- A1-23873-1
- Locație:
- Frohburg OT Jahnshain, DE
Specificațiile lotului
- Cantitate
- 1
- Marjă
- Da
- Ora?
- 04654 Frohburg OT Jahnshain
- Adresa
- Mittelweg 5, Flurstück 11/e
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