Food truck DELJE

Schoten, BE

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Despre acest lot

This food truck is not only stylish but also multifunctional. This was built entirely by hand, with a lot of attention paid to the handy layout & arrangement. As a result, it has already been used in the past for various purposes: Italian delicacies, pizzas, cocktails, oyster bar and fast food catering. Equipment: - 2 cooling slides, water tap with pump and reservoirs - 2 automatic window cleaners - 7 sockets, 8 spotlights and a fuse box - countertop with built-in stainless steel GN bins - Plenty of storage space - unique interior with wood from Antwerp plane trees (Leien) and Vespa lights on the outside. Lightweight (under 750 kg) and easy to transport as a trailer. No annual inspection required.
Numărul lotului:
Schoten, BE
Vândut de:
Vânzător companie

Specificațiile lotului

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10.580 kg
Atât de mult poți economisi la emisiile de dioxid de carbon dacă alegi să cumperi acest produs folosit, în loc de unul nou.Pentru comparație, un zbor Amsterdam - Berlin generează 78 kg CO₂e per pasager.


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