Farm Houses

Véménd, HU

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Despre acest lot

• The farmhouse has a total area of 13,800 m2, is fully fenced and has solid concrete paving. • There are 11 buildings on the site with a total area of 10,800 m2, 5 of which are renovated warehouses. The social areas need to be renovated. • The property has a public utility, gas, water, electricity and its own mains drainage. • Currently not in use, ready for immediate occupancy. • The property is located 2 km from the motorway exit, at the beginning of a village. For now, there is access from the village, but there is a view of a paved circular road with direct access to the property, where there is now a dirt track. Due to its proximity to the M6 motorway exit, just 2 km away, it is easily accessible from all directions, with perfect traffic conditions for trucks and larger vehicles. • Province: Baranya • Area: 10.788 m2 • Plot size: 13.758 m2 • Condition: partially renovated • Comfort: all-comfort • Type: industrial building, large • Internal Levels: 1 • Heating: gas inside the property • Sewerage: connected to sewerage • Parking: courtyard • Outbuildings: storage, warehouse • The minimum price for sale is approximately EUR 120/m². Its coordinates are: 46.15263° É, 18.61072° K'09.5%22N+18%C2%B036'39.4%22E/@46.1526636,18.6091535,17z/data=!4m4!3m3!8m2!3d46.152642!4d18.610948?entry=ttu&g_ep=EgoyMDI0MDgyNi4wIKXMDSoASAFQAw%3D%3D Viewing possible: potential buyers should call us 48 hours before the viewing on +36317002142 to arrange a date and time. An EU grant (non-repayable) is available for further renovations, from HUF 30 million to HUF 5 billion, and for the breeding of various animal species. The seller can help the buyer to obtain the grant, and if successful, they will charge 12% as a fee.
Numărul lotului:
Véménd, HU

Specificațiile lotului

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