Epoke VSV1000 Spraypatcher Pavers

Izegem, BE

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Legs are included. Has been equipped with its own built-up engine since November 2023 (invoice to be demonstrated) to power the system. The asphalt plastering machine VSV 1000 has been developed for repairing road damage and potholes in country roads, municipal roads, cycle paths, footpaths and pedestrian areas, etc. The construction can be mounted on the body as well as on the ball joints of the load-bearing vehicle. Inside the container is a dosing screw that is controlled by a hydraulic motor. This screw leads the chips through a tunnel to the mixing injector. The pits are first cleaned with a blower, which also takes care of removing the crushed stone. In a heated container on the side of the asphalt plaster, the bitumen emulsion is mixed with a gas heater and transported by a gear pump to the working nozzle, where it is mixed with the wood chips. The holes are filled using the nozzle method. All functions are controlled via the control panel at the end of the boom. Sold without a trailer.
Numărul lotului:
Izegem, BE
Vândut de:
Vânzător companie

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