Complete Garment Transport Hangrail Street Line/System

Nazareth, BE

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Complete rail line construction for clothing transport of a total of approx. 30 x 25 running meters, including a double arrangement of approx. 30x10 running meters with 2 levels, equipped with various support posts (65 pcs.), rail streets and corridor space in between, equipped with ditto upper part of a total height of approx. 420 cm, equipped with lighting and complete with adjacent ditto rail street system at single height, Equipped with various hanging poutrels, fixed to the ceiling, equipped with lighting. Arrangement in corner shape, and connected to each other by means of 2 passage lines. Including batch of various roller elements for hanging system of clothing and accompanying hanging system for PVC bins. Complete with accompanying rail street section of approx. 28 x 16 running meters connected by double street line, equipped with 10 poutrels of 16 running meters each, permanently mounted on double street line by means of 2 eyes per line.
To be professionally dismantled from the surroundings by the buyer without causing damage to the property. By appointment only.
Numărul lotului:
Nazareth, BE
Vândut de:
Vânzător individual

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