Batch of storage cabinets/storage shelves with contents

Sint-Niklaas, BE

Colectarea în zile fixe

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Despre acest lot

Batch of storage cabinets Wed 2x wooden storage cupboard Wed dim approx. 54 x 41 x 194cm, vv each 16x storage compartment Wed dim approx. 24 x 40 x 20cm, 6x wooden storage shelf Wed dim approx. 83 x 32cm vv metal uprights Wed dim approx. height 200cm (mounted on the wall) + metal storage cupboard Wed dim approx. 100 x 50 x 190cm vv 6x metal shelf Wed af approx. 100 x 50cm and 4x metal stand + batch of curtain material Wed curtain rings ( white, black, bronze, gold), lying in wooden storage cabinets + storage shelves + lot of various curtain stylization tape, style ribbon for variable pencil pleats, lying in metal storage cabinet
Can be professionally dismantled by the buyer
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Atenție, vă rog!
Atenție: Cumpărați dintr-un faliment. Ora de preluare este singura dată când poate avea loc preluarea. Cumpărătorul este responsabil pentru demontarea, ambalarea și transportul lotului achiziționat. Loturile 312, 313, 314, 352, 353, 361, 362, 363, 366, 367 au fost scoase offline.

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