approx. 33,000 m2 building plot

Blagoevgrad, BG

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Despre acest lot

• Blagoevgrad is a city in southwestern Bulgaria, the administrative center of Blagoevgrad County, with about 76,000 inhabitants and is located on the bank of the Blagoevgradska Bistritsa River. • The city is indisputably the economic and cultural center of southwestern Bulgaria. It is located in the valley of the Struma River at the foot of the Rila and Pirin Mountains, about 95 km south of the capital Sofia and near the Greek, Serbian and Macedonian borders. • The municipality of Blagoevgrad occupies a beautiful valley in the Central Valley of the Goiter on the southwestern slopes of the Rila Mountains and the southeastern border with Mount Vlahina. The city is located on both banks of the Bistrica River and on the E 79 international road. • Blagoevgrad has a pedestrianized center with preserved 19th-century architecture with numerous restaurants, cafes, coffee shops, clubs, and boutiques. • Blagoevgrad is home to two universities, the South-West University "Neofit Rilski" and the American University in Bulgaria. Also, "Sts. Cyril and Methodius National Humanitarian High School", the former Bulgarian Men's High School of Thessaloniki moved from Thessaloniki to Blagoevgrad in 1913. • The seller has a contact person on location, who can organize viewing moments and assist you as a buyer with the purchase of the management of the project. • For the full text, open the file under documents! Indicative price is € 35,= per m2
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