Apartment complex 12 units

Wiehe, DE

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**INVESTMENT PROPOSITION** • Apartment complex consisting of 12 independent apartments of approx. 63 m² living space, with storage rooms in the basement. Built in 1961, plot size approx. 1,715 m². • This unique investment property, located in central Germany between Kassel and Leipzig, offers an excellent opportunity. The complex includes 12 apartments, built in a combination of stone and concrete construction with wooden trusses and a tiled roof. The building has two floors and three entrances (stairwells), each with four apartments. The window frames are largely made of plastic with insulating glazing and partly of wood. The heating is provided by a central heating system. • The apartments are accessible via a first floor. Each apartment has a hall/entrance with wardrobe, a living room with large balcony, a closed kitchen, two spacious bedrooms, and a bathroom with bath, shower, washbasin and toilet. The storage rooms are located in the basement. Free parking is available in front of the door. • Rossleben-Wiehe is centrally located in central Germany, on the border of the states of Thuringia and Saxony-Anhalt. This industrial city offers various amenities such as shopping centers, schools, restaurants, and the Freibad Rossleben swimming pool, within walking distance of the complex. • The houses are transferred free of rent and use. The complex offers numerous possibilities, but modernizations and renovations are needed to adapt the homes to current requirements. • Grundbuch Rossleben, Amtsgericht Sondershausen, Blatt 6062, Flur 5, Flurstücke 60/29 • Coordinate: (51.3046036, 11.4649968)
Numărul lotului:
Wiehe, DE

Specificațiile lotului


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