8,398 m2 of forest land

Gabrovo, BG

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Despre acest lot

• 8,398 m² Forest land • Gabrovo Region, Bulgaria • Mixed deciduous forest • Easy access • Tax-free country • Suitable for logging at maturity (10-15 years). In the meantime, the forest offers a tax-free investment (no ongoing costs or obligations). • Possible uses of the land today include the construction of non-permanent structures such as log cabins or container houses. All forms of activities related to wildlife are allowed in the area. • One plot of 8,398 m² with the following cadastral number: 17350.387.96 • Located 600 m from a fishing lake and 3 km from the village of Gostilitsa in Gabrovo, central Bulgaria. • The woodland plot benefits from easy access from the main road, whilst maintaining perfect privacy. • Tax-free country, no ongoing fees. • Viewings for bidding can be arranged at short notice only during the auction period. The winning bidder must complete the purchase within 14 days of winning the auction. The transfer of ownership can be completed through the Bulgarian Embassy in The Hague or at a notary public in the Netherlands. • Land ownership and permanent residency rights are only available to EU citizens. Notary and legal fees will be approximately €500 and 7% of the purchase price (fully inclusive) for EU citizens. Non-EU citizens can own land only by setting up a non-trading company Ltd. in Bulgaria. Costs and conditions vary for non-EU citizens, please request information before bidding.
Numărul lotului:
Gabrovo, BG

Specificațiile lotului


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