2012 Scania R730 V8 Forestry Truck

Herent, BE

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Despre acest lot

2012 Scania R730 V8 Forestry Truck - Technical axle load of 15T, unique in Belgium. (see spec plate) - Recent superstructure loading crane of the type Loglift281S (2021) with lifting capacity of 28.1T and oil cooling. (see spec plate) - Jost saddle coupling, suitable for heavy transport - Recent deep groove tires, especially for unpaved terrain. - Interior in fine condition, with custom upholstery. - Has a number of practical work cases - extra fuel tank - extra lighting on the grill and incorporated in the Chrome sun visor An absolute powerhouse in its profession and in top condition considering its age and mileage. Technically perfect and immediately deployable for heavy work. Attached trailer is not in the lot
Numărul lotului:
Herent, BE
Vândut de:
Vânzător companie

Specificațiile lotului

Atenție, vă rog!
Nu sunt posibile ore de vizitare. Loturile 1169 - 3124 - 3349 - 5302 - 11656 - 16274 au fost scoase offline.
105.398 kg
Atât de mult poți economisi la emisiile de dioxid de carbon dacă alegi să cumperi acest produs folosit, în loc de unul nou.Pentru comparație, un zbor Amsterdam - Berlin generează 78 kg CO₂e per pasager.


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