2004 KVH Construction livestock truck

Brakel, BE

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Despre acest lot

an agricultural trailer of the brand KVH Constructie, with the type 6M and chassis number 150173. Specifications: • Type: Agricultural trailer (R7) • Number of axles: 2 • Mass (ready to drive, tare): 2380 kg • Maximum Gross Vehicle Weight (GVW): 5800 kg • Suspension: Mechanical This is a KVH Construction agricultural trailer, specifically a livestock trailer (also called a livestock trailer or livestock trailer). Characterize: • Closed sidewalls for livestock safety. • Top vents, which is typical for livestock transport. • Side hatches or doors for loading and unloading. • Tarp over the roof, which protects livestock from rain and sun. • Robust construction with wide tires, suitable for agricultural use.
Numărul lotului:
Brakel, BE
Vândut de:
Vânzător individual

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7.763 kg
Atât de mult poți economisi la emisiile de dioxid de carbon dacă alegi să cumperi acest produs folosit, în loc de unul nou.Pentru comparație, un zbor Amsterdam - Berlin generează 78 kg CO₂e per pasager.


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