1929 Monet Goyon Super Sport TT Classic Car Motorcycle

Baal, BE

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French sport classic motorcycle / racer. 20 world records with this model! In 1924 Monet Goyon starts with a new sporty model with a 175cc 2-stroke engine, model 'Z' is equipped with a sporty British 2-stroke Villiers engine with double exhaust. After many successes in 1925, this model was equipped with the 'Super Sports Brookland TT' Villiers engine (this bike has broken many records in the Brookland circuit). This is the fastest Villiers engine ever made. With this model they were 4 times champion of France (1924,25,26,27), won 3 x Grand Prix de France (1924, 25, 27, 29), 4 x the first place on the Mont Ventoux (1924, 25, 28, 29), and no less than 20 world records (1924, 25, 29)! All this mainly won by the factory riders Louis Janin, Albert SOURDOT, HOMMAIRE and GAUSSORGUES. This motorcycle is the 1929 TT model with the fast 175cc Villiers engine with dual exhaust and oil tank with oil pump to give oil directly to the crankshaft, especially for racing. Comes with French papers.
Numărul lotului:
Baal, BE
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Nu sunt posibile ore de vizitare. Loturile 3397 - 3401 - 5451 au fost scoase offline
1.810 kg
Atât de mult poți economisi la emisiile de dioxid de carbon dacă alegi să cumperi acest produs folosit, în loc de unul nou.Pentru comparație, un zbor Amsterdam - Berlin generează 78 kg CO₂e per pasager.


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