12 x connected office/sanitary container JAN FAST

Gent, BE

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Despre acest lot

Manufacture Number: C3S1011120342 Year of construction: unprecedented Unit dimensions: 3x6m Total area: 216m2 Container combination from JAN SNEL Vv. stairs Sanitary block: 6 x toilet 4 x shower vv. boiler ATLANTIC Weight per unit: 3700 kg Disconnected from the power and water grid. The buyer is obliged to dismantle the containers with a subcontractor approved by Arcelor Mital, list available on first request. Drop-off by appointment, dismantling before 15/05/2025 unless expressly agreed by AMG for further occupation.
Complete with contents: 3x Formica wooden table beige 8x chair including stacking chair electric refrigerator FRIAC microwave oven WHIRLPOOL microwave THICKER whiteboard 3x various formica wooden table color beige 9x stacking chair color black with metal base microwave FRIAC 3 different thermoses of coffee 1 low side cabinet color beige standing fridge NN 3x Formica wooden table beige BRABANTIA dustbin 6 x stacking chair black with chrome base standing fridge FRIAC small fridge DOMO microwave oven type DOMO Metal locker cabinet with 2 lockers Low Portable File Cabinet with 3 Drawers dustbin push bucket copier CANON IMAGE RUNNER ADVANCE DXC37201 5x low drawer unit with 3 drawers color gray 2 x Formica wooden writing desk color gray 2 various office chairs color black sky leather Plant in pot coffee thermos Metal filing cabinet color gray equipped with 2 doors 22 inch lcd screen philips modem type PROXIMUS (presumed ownership of third parties) whiteboard batch of office inventory including trays, various staplers, hole punch, etc. 4x gas module wiretap talk including watch gas, GMI protégé ZM empty case MAKITA 3 various formica wooden writing desks color gray 4 x Movable Typists Chair with Black Fabric 3 low drawer units grey with 3 doors coffee filter system PHILIPS CAFE GAIA coffee filter system NN microwave FRIAC First aid kit 2 metal filing cabinets SANTENS equipped with a large batch of various business administration standing refrigerator FRIAC printer type XEROX workcenter 6515 chest of drawers signed SISLEY with metal drawer 2 various LCD screens including PHILIPS printer KYOSERA 1 locker cabinet 2 pieces containing various work clothing marked GCM Metal workcabinet with 4 drawers Including metric taps, impact sockets, wire pads, milling, drilling 2x metal filing cabinet containing residual aprtij various clothing GCM+ containing welding accessories such as welding bagettes and welding wire, 3 x CARRIER fall protection 1 Formica wooden chest of drawers with 3 doors Metal cabinet with 2 doors box ear protection DELTA PLUS box containing SMS overalls with hood box containing synthetic glue, 2 component quick fix empty tool pad case MAKITA GCM RENTAL 4 x low filing cabinet with 4 drawers LCD Screen Color Gray magnetic drill type JEPSON number MW007 Movable Typists Chair Ground floor containers: 26x metal locker cabinet not locked, including various GCM clothing dressing room bench metal with wooden slats Electric auxiliary heating 10 different locker cabinets in various sizes and designs dressing room workbench powder rapid extinguisher STATAMAT electric auxiliary heating DIPLEX powder foam rapid extinguisher STATAMAT 6 kg pvc dustbin towel holder wall mounted soap holder wall-mounted electric auxiliary heating DIMPLEX box containing various fluorescent lamps PHILIPS 13 various metal locker cabinets including equipped with 2 and 3 doors in various designs including various workclothes GCM dressing room bench metal with wooden slats
Numărul lotului:
Gent, BE
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Specificațiile lotului

Atenție, vă rog!
Atenție: Cumpărați dintr-un faliment. Ora de preluare este singura dată când poate avea loc preluarea. Cumpărătorul este responsabil pentru demontarea, ambalarea și transportul lotului achiziționat. Deconectat de la rețeaua electrică și de apă. Cumparatorul este obligat sa demonteze containerele cu un subcontractor avizat de Arcelor Mital, lista disponibila la prima cerere. Predare cu programare, demontare înainte de 15/05/2025
15.273 kg
Atât de mult poți economisi la emisiile de dioxid de carbon dacă alegi să cumperi acest produs folosit, în loc de unul nou.Pentru comparație, un zbor Amsterdam - Berlin generează 78 kg CO₂e per pasager.


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