Wetrok - FastFill 100 - Quick Filling System
- Aukcja:
- K&D | Reinigungsutensilien
- Partia:
- A1-30156-7
- Ternitz, AT
Odbiór w ustalone dni
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Due to the fast filling of cleaning machines, their unproductive times can be massively reduced. For example, it takes only one minute to fill a 100-litre tank.
Not only fast, but also accurate. Forced dosing can save further money, as an overdose is ruled out.
In the input tank of the FastFill 100, there is no premix with the cleaning solution. This is only added immediately before the machine is filled. This means that it is possible to change products at any time without masking and there is only clear water in the storage tank.
Record-breaking filling time (100 l/min)
Automatic water replenishment with overflow protection
No pre-mixing of the cleaning solution
Hardly any foaming when filling the tank
Perfectly dosed cleaning solution
Operating radius up to 2.5m
Easy change of cleaning agent possible
at any time Safe operation
Space-saving (H 115 cm, Ø 70 cm)
Can be connected anywhere (220 volts)
Not only fast, but also accurate. Forced dosing can save further money, as an overdose is ruled out.
In the input tank of the FastFill 100, there is no premix with the cleaning solution. This is only added immediately before the machine is filled. This means that it is possible to change products at any time without masking and there is only clear water in the storage tank.
Record-breaking filling time (100 l/min)
Automatic water replenishment with overflow protection
No pre-mixing of the cleaning solution
Hardly any foaming when filling the tank
Perfectly dosed cleaning solution
Operating radius up to 2.5m
Easy change of cleaning agent possible
at any time Safe operation
Space-saving (H 115 cm, Ø 70 cm)
Can be connected anywhere (220 volts)
- Uwagi:
- 2 new brush heads included
- Aukcja:
- K&D | Reinigungsutensilien
- Numer partii:
- A1-30156-7
- Lokalizacja:
- Ternitz, AT
- Sprzedawane przez:
- Sprzedawca firma
Specyfikacja działki
- Ilość
- 1
- Marża
- Nie
- Marka
- Wetrok
- Typ
- FastFill 100
- Wymiar calkowity W
- 700mm
- Wymiar calkowity H
- 1150mm
Prosimy o uwagę!
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LIEFERBEDINGUNG: Ex Works (Incoterms)
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