Renault Supper7

Eke, BE

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Flail mower included No papers from the tractor Start and drive, engine in good condition 1. Flail mower / Power harrow: • Brand: Suire • Model: SG 150 • Year of construction: 07/2007 • Serial number: 007076548 • Weight: 320 kg • Manufacturer: Suire, a French manufacturer of agricultural machinery based in Saint Aubin du Plain, France. • This model is likely to be a robust mower for grassland management and ground maintenance, suitable for use behind a tractor via a PTO (PTO). 2. Tractor: • Brand: Renault • Importer/Manufacturer: Socoma (based in Brussels, Belgium) • This label provides information on the recommended lubricants (such as Shell Rotella and Dentax oils), indicating an older Renault tractor model, possibly from the 60s or 70s. • Renault produced tractors for a long time before their agricultural branch was taken over by Claas in the early 2000s.
Numer partii:
Eke, BE

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10 137 kg
sh Tyle emisji dwutlenku węgla możesz zaoszczędzić, decydując się na zakup tego przedmiotu używanego zamiast nowego.Dla porównania, lot z Amsterdamu do Berlina generuje 78 kg CO₂e na pasażera.

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