Investment property 4 apartments with garages near Magdeburg

Hamersleben, DE

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The building has 4 apartments, of a total of approx. 308 m2, it also has an outbuilding of 1 floor, and 2 more garages, this adds another approx. 80 m2. At the back of the building is a spacious garden including shelter, the total plot is approx. 723 m2. Underneath the building are 2 cellars, which can be used as storage for residents. The window frames, which are made of plastic, also have insulating glass. The building has central heating. The attic over the entire property is currently not in use, it can be converted into an apartment. • Hamersleben is located fairly in the middle of Germany, next to the city of Magdeburg. • The region Am Großen Bruch, is a popular place to live. The peace and quiet of the area, combined with the excellent infrastructure. • The area has a lot of employment through industry, which mainly consists of manufacturing and logistics. For example, it is home to several global companies, such as DHL Logistics. With all the established names in the region, there is a strong industrial base, which stimulates both local employment and new investment opportunities. • The area also offers numerous recreational activities, both for locals and tourists. For nature lovers, there are countless hiking and cycling routes through the vast nature of the Harz and the forests in the immediate vicinity. The nearby Oker and Bode rivers offer opportunities for canoeing and boating. For water lovers, it is possible to dive in nearby lakes, such as the Lappwaldsee, where diving facilities and schools are available for both beginners and experienced divers. Hamersleben is a primary school location and has a nursery.
Numer partii:
Hamersleben, DE

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