Dismantled scaffolding AFIX
- Partia:
- A3-28047-3
- Zelzate, BE
Odbiór w ustalone dni
- Aktualna oferta
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Informacje o tej partii
Consisting of: approx. 21 various gangplanks wed dim approx. 257x30cm, 5 ditto floors 109cm, approx. 24 various uprights wo dim approx. 200, 3 of 250cm, 4 of 100cm and 1 of 300 cm and approx. 4 various diagonals wo dim approx. 257cm, 5 of 105cm, 2 of 157cm and 1 of 300cm, 36 beams with dim approx. 257cm, 30 with dimensions approx. 109cm, 4 with dimensions approx. 73cm, 2 of 207cm and 300cm, complete with 11 extendable console, 2 floors with stairs, 14 feet and 14 spindles, lying in trestles (without trestles)
- Numer partii:
- A3-28047-3
- Lokalizacja:
- Zelzate, BE
- Sprzedawane przez:
- Sprzedawca firma
Specyfikacja działki
- Ilość
- 1
- Marża
- Nie
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