Detached Houses

Dahme, DE

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• Detached house in the medieval town of Dahme (Dahme/Mark). The city is surrounded by many nature reserves. Dahme Heideseen, for example, is 594 km2 in size and is known for more than 100 lakes! Dahme is also a great location, the Tropical Islands and Berlin are within easy reach. But this city is characterized above all by beautiful architectural monuments, and the building offered is located in its center. For example, the foundations of St. Mary's Church, which is located next to the house, are more than 800 years old. There are also ruins of a castle nearby (the first mention of its existence dates back to 1186), with an adjacent park with a zoo dating back more than 100 years. There is also part of the famous Flaming Skate, a 250 km long inline skating and cycling route that runs through the park. The list of architectural monuments of the city is quite extensive. There are several houses, but also a beautiful town hall, also visible in the photos. • The house on offer is also a listed building and dates from the end of the 17th century. It was listed as a Historic Monument on July 30, 2021. This facility is in need of a complete renovation. All installations are no longer operational. However, despite its age, the building itself is in "pretty good condition." The windows on the front façade of the building are double glazed (two windows are single glazed) and in addition (as can be seen in the photos) the roof is in quite good condition. It must have been replaced relatively recently (the exact date is unknown). • According to the registration in the Land Registry, the plot area is 134 m2. The living area is approximately 160 m2. The area visible in the projections attached to the photos are the dimensions of the floors. • For the full text, see the document under the documents.
Numer partii:
Dahme, DE

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