Cold room/freezer combination ISO MASTERS
- Partia:
- A3-28572-16
- Lochristi, BE
Odbiór w ustalone dni
- Aktualna oferta
- Status
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Informacje o tej partii
With a total size of approx. 640 x 505 x 300 cm high including wall closure/curb at the top, it is equipped with separate refrigerator and freezer compartment/chamber of which refrigerator compartment approx. 405 x 435 cm and freezer compartment of approx. 230 x 215 cm, with control box, 2 units/evaporators KELVION and motor located on the roof.
Cold room not equipped with separate floor.
- Uwagi:
- Without content, by the customer can be professionally dismantled from the environment. By appointment.
- Numer partii:
- A3-28572-16
- Lokalizacja:
- Lochristi, BE
- Sprzedawane przez:
- Sprzedawca firma
Specyfikacja działki
- Ilość
- 1
- Marża
- Nie
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