2021 Kögel SKM 24 3-osiowa naczepa wywrotka

Illmitz, AT

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Numer partii:
Illmitz, AT
Sprzedawane przez:
Sprzedawca firma

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VIEWING takes place only with advance registration by e-mail: office@karner-dechow.at PAYMENT is due immediately upon receipt of the surcharges. Payment instruction is stored in www.troostwijkauctions.com / My Purchases / Payment (Checkout). Online payment possible. Bank transfer takes at least 2 full business days!! NO PACKAGING: Lots are sold without pallet and/or box unless otherwise stated. In addition, lots are not packed or prepared for transport.  NO LOADING: All loading must be carried out by the buyer himself and is at his own risk from the time of takeover.    DELIVERY CONDITION: Ex Works (Incoterms) We strongly advise you to take a viewing day to inspect the lots you are interested in on site before placing a bid. Both the buyer and the person commissioned by him can take part in the inspection by appointment. The tickets are bought - "as seen". This means that the lots are not checked and no guarantee is given for function and completeness, unless this is expressly stated in the lot description. Since bids cannot be canceled, it is important that you make an informed decision about placing a bid. If you are picking up a lot and have specific questions or concerns, please contact the on-site staff immediately. If you have already collected the lot and would like to contact us afterwards with a question or problem, please note that we may not be able to help you if it is something that you could/should have noticed during the viewing.
41 895 kg
sh Tyle emisji dwutlenku węgla możesz zaoszczędzić, decydując się na zakup tego przedmiotu używanego zamiast nowego.Dla porównania, lot z Amsterdamu do Berlina generuje 78 kg CO₂e na pasażera.

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