1992: Suzuki Samurai Bleu-Lagoon

Hengstdijk, NL

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This Suzuki Samurai Blue-Lagoon has been part of a private collection for years. And has always been dry indoors in recent years. The Samurai has been standing still for a while and needs to be checked before it is started. It has been placed in the private collection without any technical defects. The car has a Dutch registration, if the car has to be exported we can arrange the export papers for € 50. (Note; a registration card has been requested for this car. This will arrive next week). Behind the papers you can find additional photos of this car.
Numer partii:
Hengstdijk, NL

Specyfikacja działki

Prosimy o uwagę!
Zwiedzanie nie jest możliwe.
7 059 kg
sh Tyle emisji dwutlenku węgla możesz zaoszczędzić, decydując się na zakup tego przedmiotu używanego zamiast nowego.Dla porównania, lot z Amsterdamu do Berlina generuje 78 kg CO₂e na pasażera.

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