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Jean Brusselmans (Brussels 1884-1953) low set

Lokeren, BE

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Despre acest lot

Original drawing in washed ink (lavis) - study of heads - drawn - 16x20.5 cm - framed in its original frame (34.5x39 cm) - from the old collection of Eduard Van Gheluwe, the tailor and art collector from Brussels who lived in Ooostende and where, among others, Constant Permeke bought his costumes in exchange for works of art - with an exhibition label by Guillaume Campo on the back (it was the exhibition Hommage à monsieur Van Gheluwe in 1951 with works by a.o. Spilliaert, Schirren, Rik Wouters, Jean Brusselmans, Paul Delvaux, Constant Permeke, Tytgat, Pierre Caille, Louis Van Lint and others.) - gallery price: 1500 euro
Numărul lotului:
Lokeren, BE
Vândut de:
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Specificațiile lotului

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De bezichtiging gaat door op 27/06/2024 16:00 - 19:30 te Verlatstraat 32, 2000 Antwerpen.

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