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Batch of various table supplies

Duffel, BE

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Despre acest lot

Batch of various table supplies including: Approx. 40 salt & pepper shakers, 2x 12 rechargeable LED tea lights SMART CANDLE, equipped with 2 charging stations, 19 assorted glass tealight holders, Approx. 28 different menus and Approx. 20 reservation boards, including in aluminium and PVC, Complete with a batch of various plastic braided placemats and various artificial leather table runners DECONAP including size approx 47 x 98cm and approx. 45 x 34cm
Numărul lotului:
Duffel, BE
Vândut de:
Vânzător companie

Specificațiile lotului

Atenție, vă rog!
O ofertă pentru livrare poate fi obținută prin

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