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Batch of various cleaning products

Duffel, BE

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Despre acest lot

Batch of various cleaning products including DREFT, TANA, FELICIA, WOOLIT and ARIEL, Including dishwashing liquid, degreaser, disinfectant, scouring pads, plunger, detergent and washing tablets and oven cleaner, Complete with batch of various kitchen towels, 5 rolls of garbage bags EVERYDAY 100L, microfiber cloths, approx. 24 various PVC buckets and batch of various PVC storage trays, Including lying in 2 PVC storage cabinets KETER with 2 doors, size approx. 65 x 46 x 177cm, cupboards included and 1 stainless steel storage rack, storage rack Not included, Issue according to instructions
Numărul lotului:
Duffel, BE
Vândut de:
Vânzător companie

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