2 recreation lots
- Lot:
- A1-22846-1
- Weißkollm, DE
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Despre acest lot
• 2 recreational plots for sale in Weißkollm (0299 Lohsa) with private waterfront bank, located in the pearl of Saxony!
• The plots are located in the eastern part of Saxony, in the picturesque village of Lohsa, Ortsteil Weißkollm. Lot 1 consists of Flurstuck 416/1 and 416/2, respectively 738 m2 plot and 92 m2 bank. Lot 2 consists of Flurstck 417/1 and 417/2, respectively 665 m2 plot and 67 m2 bank. These lots (Erholungsgrindstücke mit Uferstreifen) are sold together in 1 offer. 1.562m2 total
• The surroundings are breathtaking, on the Der Kleine Spree and is located in the Oberlausitzer Heide- und Teichlandschaft which is part of the UNESCO biospharenreservates.
• The property is idyllically situated, with the river Kleine Spree next to it, and surrounded by, among others, the Scheibe See, Bemstein See, Dreiweibener See, Speicherbecken Losha II and the Spree Valley. Many of the forests and waters have been designated as Flora-Fauna habitat and bird sanctuary, but in addition to the wonderful opportunities for hikers and cyclists, they also offer the necessary relaxation for fishermen and water sports enthusiasts.
• What a wonderful place to relax, make a campfire, dream away between your own greenery, completely surrounded by nature, forest, meadows and water.
• From here, grab the bike, motorbike or MBT and head out. Visit the most beautiful historic towns and villages of Saxony or Thuringia, or go skiing in the Vogtland in winter!
• For the full text, open the file under documents!
- Numărul lotului:
- A1-22846-1
- Locație:
- Weißkollm, DE
Specificațiile lotului
- Cantitate
- 1
- Marjă
- Da
- Ora?
- 02999 Weißkollm
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