1929 NV (Nymans Verkstäder) Super Sport Motorcycle

Baal, BE

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Despre acest lot

NV (Nymans Verkstäder) was founded in 1873 by Anders Frederik Nyman in Uppsala, Sweden. In the early 1900s they sold motorcycles of the brand Clement, NSU, Indian, etc. NV was a specialist in "Badge Engineering", i.e. they bought motorcycles from another brand and hung their emblems on them and sold them under NV. The other way around also happened, so they sold two-wheelers and outboard motors under the name Cresent. Cresent two-wheelers was later taken over by Monark and the outboard motors were sold to Volvo in 1973 who still make them in the old NV factories in Uppsala. In 1926 they released their own motorcycle with a purchased Eiber engine (Svensk motorindustri in Örkelljunga). In 1928 they released their own engine. It was designed by a Göran Rödén who came from FN (Belgium) and had worked on the development of the M60 engine, a 350cc OHV. This is the reason that this engine looks very much like the FN M60 and M67 at first sight. Initially this engine (250cc OHV) was in their old flattanker model but in 1929 they release a new model that is specially made for the 6 day races to promote the NV brand. It was the first model with a saddle tank and it had the 2 quick-fill caps and an 8-day movement. Very few of this model were made and only 1 is known! This is an unfinished restoration. The engine has been completely and professionally overhauled. No papers.
Numărul lotului:
Baal, BE
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Vânzător companie

Specificațiile lotului

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Nu sunt posibile ore de vizitare. Loturile 3397 - 3401 - 5451 au fost scoase offline
1.810 kg
Atât de mult poți economisi la emisiile de dioxid de carbon dacă alegi să cumperi acest produs folosit, în loc de unul nou.Pentru comparație, un zbor Amsterdam - Berlin generează 78 kg CO₂e per pasager.


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