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Ion Safety Box - Extinguishing Container

Boxmeer, NL

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Signs of wear/damage and wear and tear all around according to age/mileage. IONSafety Box has developed a container with all the facilities on board to be able to carry out the recovery of an electric or hydrogen vehicle safely and quickly. The base is a standard 20 ft. container or a side door 20 ft. container with modifications to the body. The container has a tipping frame with a platform. The platform slides out of the container and the vehicle to be recovered can be pulled onto the platform by means of a sliding winch. The vehicle is then secured to the platform. With the help of a remote control, the recovery company can pull the platform with vehicle into the container. The fire protection system is activated from the outside when the doors are closed. can easily be placed on a hooklift with twist locks. The container is a standard 20ft container and can be The aerosol (extinguishing agent) in Aerosol Fire Extinguishers and Fire Suppression Systems fights and extinguishes fire by stopping the combustion reaction on a molecular basis (by binding free radicals) without affecting the oxygen content. This is extinguishing at the molecular level. In conventional systems, an element is removed from the fire triangle. The extinguishing effect of the af-x systems is more intelligent. Underlying a fire triangle is a fire pentagon. Mixing ratios and catalisation also play an important role. At the molecular level, fire is nothing but a chemical reaction. Within that chemical reaction, unstable molecules float around. These unstable molecules are also known as free radicals. When the AF-X extinguishing systems are activated, the aerosol mist immediately binds to these free radicals. The aerosol, in turn, provides stable molecular bonds. Thus, the fire is blocked in the very first stage without cold shocks, without water and without oxygen expulsion. Fire prevention: The af-x fire solutions systems are suitable for extinguishing fires in fire classes A, B, C and F. In addition, the af-x fire solutions systems are extremely suitable for the protection of electrical installations up to 75,000 Volts. The stickers you see in the photos have been removed.
Lot number:
Boxmeer, NL
Sold by:
Company seller

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