Hall steel construction

Maastricht, NL

Collection by appointment

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About this lot

Hall to be built separately; hall width 13.71 meters; length total hall 70 meters; height total hall 13.68 meters; uprights made up of IPE330 columns; IPE360 roof trusses; pressure tubes between the rafters of the roof and the walls consist of tubes with a size of 80x80x3.6cm; HE160A beams between the corner columns and trusses; equipped with: wind bracing; nuts and bolts; technical drawings and calculations; completely disassembled and ready for transport; NOTE: concerns steel construction excluding wall and roof material; forklift present with a maximum lifting capacity of 5000kg; Watch the video via this link: https://youtu.be/T7KzYS9bErs?feature=shared
Note: is part of combination lot 18
Lot number:
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Company seller

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The collection of the purchased goods is done as follows: After receiving your payment, the seller will contact you to make a pick-up appointment. You will then receive the exact address. The city and province where the plots are located is indicated with the plot. The minimum age for visiting the collection days is 18 years. Visitors must be able to identify themselves. There is no right of withdrawal. See the Auction Terms and Conditions for more information. No viewing day will be organized for this auction. For each lot, an administration fee of € 100 will be charged.

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